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SUD Life Insurance Premium Calculator

To calculate the premium of your life insurance plans you can use the Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance premium calculator. It offers the facility of calculating your life insurance premium. The Star Union Dai-ichi premium calculator is an excellent tool for any policy seeker before going for a policy purchase. These calculators are personalised as the calculation depends on factors like the sum assured, age, additional riders, premium term, premium frequency, etc.

How to Use the Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance Premium Calculator?

The Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance premium calculator is a very easy tool to use. You just have to follow the following steps to operate the tool.

Step 1: You can access the Star Union Dai-ichi Life premium calculator on our website InsuranceDekho’s Life Insurance section.

Step 2: Enter the details, namely age, gender, policy term or cover up to, and life cover in the columns of Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance premium calculator

Step 3: The Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance premium calculator calculates the premium just as you select the plan option. The premium can be customised by changing the details of age, policy term, gender and life cover.

Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance Premium Calculator Benefits

Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance Premium Calculator offers a range of exciting benefits.

1. Calculate Your Premium Instantly: You can calculate your life insurance premium depending on the policy you choose.

2. Accurate Cover Determination: This calculator helps you to arrive at the ideal life insurance amount you need to have.

3. Better Decision Making: Depending on your income levels and obligations, the premium calculator calculates the maximum amount you can afford.

Term Life Insurance Premium Calculator


  • Male
  • Female

Date of Birth


Do you smoke or chew tobacco?

  • Yes
  • No

Choose required coverage to secure your family’s future

Disclaimer :
1. Premium has been calculated for coverage till 60 years
2. Eligibility depends on income, occupation and educational qualification

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  • Best Life Insurance

    I had a great experience with the InsuranceDekho Company. Purchasing a life insurance policy from their website was very smooth and easy. The insurance experts suggested buying the Star Union Dal-Ichi Life Insurance Plan. I am impressed with the services offered by the company.

    By Ganga Jugran
    On: Jan 02, 2024
  • Got friendly suggestions

    I got friendly suggestions from the InsuranceDekho as I was unable to select a desired life insurance plan. So, it is only on their suggestion that I decided to buy from Star Union -SUD Life Assured Income policy from InsuranceDekho.

    By Ritika Raj
    On: Jan 23, 2023
  • My claim was settled on time

    When I raised a claim against Star Union -SUD Life Assured Income policy on InsuranceDekho, it was settled on time. I was just required to submit a few documents online and everything related to the claim settlement process was carried out in an easy manner.

    By Nivedita Matta
    On: Oct 13, 2022
  • User-friendly portal

    The interface of InsuranceDekho was extremely user-friendly such that even beginners like me were able to use it efficiently. That's why I faced no hassles while buying Star Union -SUD Life Assured Income policy from InsuranceDekho. 

    By Anamika Kohli
    On: Jul 19, 2022
  • Time-saving process

    The process of buying was so quick that I felt that buying Star Union -SUD Life Assured Income policy was done in a flash. In a matter of a few minutes, I was able to buy Star Union -SUD Life Assured Income policy from InsuranceDekho.

    By Shubham Jain
    On: Jun 29, 2022

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  • What factors determine your Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance premium?

    Your income, age, insurance term, and premium payment frequency determines your Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance premium.

  • What is the ideal age to purchase a Star Union Dai-ichi life insurance policy?

    The earlier you purchase your Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance policy, the better it is for you. The premium is lower when you buy the policy at a young age.

  • What effect does the policy term have on the Star Union Dai-ichi premium?

    The more extended the policy term, the less is the Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance premium.

  • What is the recommended frequency of Star Union Dai-ichi premium payment?

    You can pay your Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance premium in different modes, like monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, annual, or a single lump-sum amount.

  • Why is it necessary to use the Star Union Dai-ichi Life Insurance premium calculator?

    The premium calculator helps to calculate the accurate premium, depending on your income levels and obligations.

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