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Aviva Term Insurance FAQs

84 reviews Rate This
Claim Settlement Ratio98.01%
Customer Care9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Death Benefit Paid For790 Policies
Presence93 Offices
Total Death Benefit Paid80.78 Crore

Term Life Insurance Premium Calculator


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Do you smoke or chew tobacco?

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Choose required coverage to secure your family’s future

Disclaimer :
1. Premium has been calculated for coverage till 60 years
2. Final Plan Eligibility will depend on some other factors including tobacco habits, education, occupation and income of the life assured / proposer

Best Aviva Term Insurance Plans

1 Crore
2 Crore
2.5 Crore
    Tax Free
    1 Cr
Starting From 678/Month
Key Features:
  • Right Green Tick Cover Continuance Benefit
  • Right Green Tick Terminal Illness
  • Right Green Tick Insta-Payment on Claim Intimation
  • Right Green Tick 2x Premium Back
  • Right Green Tick Tax Benefits
    Tax Free
    1 Cr
Starting From 730/Month
Claim Settlement 24hr Claim Settlement
Key Features:
  • Right Green Tick Waiver of Premium on Disability
  • Right Green Tick Terminal Illness
  • Right Green Tick Life Stage Benefit
  • Right Green Tick Special Exit Benefit
    Tax Free
    1 Cr
Starting From 771/Month
Claim Settlement 24hr Claim Settlement
Key Features:
  • Right Green Tick Terminal illness
  • Right Green Tick Special Exit - Option to get your premiums back
  • Right Green Tick Renewability Option
See More Plans


  • Does Aviva Life Insurance offer a free-look period for term insurance plans?

    Yes, Aviva Life Insurance offers a free-look period of 15 days, under which the life assured can choose to cancel/return the insurance policy after stating reasons for being unsatisfied with the policy.

  • What is the grace period offered for Aviva term insurance plans?

    Aviva Life Insurance offers a grace period of 15 days for monthly premium payments and a grace period of 30 days for quarterly, half yearly and yearly premium payments from the date of first unpaid regular premium payment.

  • Does Aviva term insurance plans cover suicide?

    If the life assured passes away due to suicide within first 12 months from the date of policy issuance 80% of the total premiums paid will be provided to the ife assured’s family.

  • Why should I choose Aviva Term Insurance?

    Aviva Life Insurance offers 4 affordable term insurance products. These plans offer life cover and financial security to your family in case of your unfortunate demise. Aviva Life Insurance provides robust customer assistance services and provides hassle-free purchasing experience.

  • What is the revival period offered for Aviva term insurance plans?

    Aviva Life Insurance offers a revival period of 5 years from the first date of unpaid regular premium payment.

Claim Settement

  • How to initiate a claim with Aviva Life Insurance in offline mode?

    Customers and nominees can initiate the offline claim settlement process by visiting the nearest Aviva Life Branch office along with all the necessary documents or contact their customer care service helpline number at 1800 103 7766.

  • How do I find out the status of my term insurance claim with Aviva Life Insurance?

    If you have signed up on the official website of Aviva Life Insurance Company, you have to log in with the policyholder or the life assured ID/ Email ID/Policy Number/ Contact Number, and password to check your claim status. Otherwise, you can also visit their online portal to sign up for the same, and then log in to check your status.

  • What is the turnaround time for Aviva Life Term insurance plans?

    According to the IRDAI regulations, your claim should be decided and settled within 30 working days upon receiving the required documents.

  • What are the tax benefits available under Aviva Life Term insurance plans?

    Tax deduction under Section 80C and Section 10(10D) is available under Aviva Life Term insurance plans. Tax deductions and exemptions are subject to change from time to time.

  • How can I get a duplicate hard copy of my policy document?

    To get a duplicate hard copy of the policy document, you have to submit the following documents to the nearest Aviva Life

    • Branch Office.
    • Indemnity on Rs. 100 stamp paper
    • Photo ID Proof Recent coloured photograph
    • Endorsement Form.
    • Bank statement showing the remittance proof
    • Original ID proof to be submitted & verified by the branch executive

Over View

  • What is the claim settlement ratio of Aviva Life Insurance?

    Aviva Life Insurance had a staggering claim settlement ratio of 97.53% in the FY 2019-2020

  • What is the minimum age required to be eligible for the Aviva Life Term Insurance plan?

    The minimum age to apply for the Aviva Life Term Plan is 18 years.

  • Is my Term Insurance policy with Aviva Life cover COVID 19?

    Yes, under Aviva Life term insurance plan you are covered under COVID 19.

  • What are the exclusions while buying Aviva Life Term Insurance Plans?

    The exclusions under Aviva Life Term Insurance are as follows:

    • Death due to medical condition not mentioned in the policy document
    • Death due to illegal activity
    • Death due to suicide within 1 year of the inception of the policy.

  • What are the documents required to purchase an Aviva Life Term Insurance plan online?

    The following documents are needed to buy Aviva Life Term Insurance Plan:

    • Age Proof
    • ID Proof
    • Income Proof


  • What is the minimum entry age for Aviva term insurance plans?

    Anyone who is 18 years above is eligible to purchase term insurance offered by Aviva India Life Insurance.

  • What are the additional benefits available under the Aviva Life Shield Premium plan?

    Aviva Life Shield Premium plan offers Accidental Death Benefit, under which in case the life assured passes away in an accident during the policy term, the insurance company will provide an additional payout of INR 50 Lakhs along with the death benefit. This plan also offers a Waiver of Premium Cover benefit under which in case the life assured suffers permanent disability due to an accident all future premiums of the insurance policy will get waived off.

  • What are the different premium payment frequencies available for Aviva term insurance plans?

    You can choose to pay premium for Aviva term insurance policy on a monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly basis.

  • What is the additional benefit available under the Aviva LifeShield Advantage plan?

    Aviva LifeShield Advantage plan offers a maturity benefit. In case the life assured survives the entire policy tenure, all the premiums paid after excluding taxes and applicable charges (if any) will be provided to life assured at the time of maturity of the plan.

  • Is loan against the insurance policy allowed under Aviva term insurance plans?

    No, loan against the insurance policy is not allowed under Aviva term insurance plans

Premium Calculator

  • What is a Term Insurance Plan?

    A Term Insurance plan is a life insurance policy that provides financial protection and stability to the policyholder’s family or loved ones in case of unforeseen events. Term plans provide higher cover at an affordable premium rate.

  • What is the total coverage amount that should be taken under the Aviva Life Term Insurance plan?

    The coverage of the Aviva Life Term insurance plan should be adequate enough to cover the policyholder’s family financial needs in the unfortunate events. The ideal coverage of your term plan should be 12 times your annual income.

  • What is the right time to buy an Aviva Life Term Insurance plan?

    The right time to buy the Aviva Life Term Insurance plan is as early as possible. With the increasing age, the higher would be the term plan premium. The minimum age you can purchase an Aviva Life Term Insurance plan is 18 years.

  • What are the different Riders options available with Aviva Life Term Insurance Plans?

    Aviva Life Term Insurance plans offer Critical Illness cover, Accidental Death Benefit Cover, and Future Waiver of premium.

  • How would my Premium change if I add Riders in my Aviva Life Term insurance plan?

    If you add riders to your Aviva Life Term Insurance coverage, the premium calculated would increase because each rider provides an additional benefit which comes with an additional cost for the additional coverage benefit that it provides.

User Reviews

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What users are saying
  • All
  • Pocket Friendly plans

    InsuranceDekho offers plans which will cater all your needs within a budget that you hold. Bought Aviva Jana Suraksha plan which lies under my budget and fulfills all my term insurance needs.

    By Ashish Chauhan
    On: Feb 10, 2023
  • A list of top insurance compan...

    On the website of InsuranceDekho, there is a detailed list of the best insurance companies that provide term plans. So, depending on my budget, I picked the desired plan and then bought the Aviva Jana Suraksha plan.

    By Tanu Chaudhary
    On: Oct 13, 2022
  • Online process

    I opted for the online process of buying the Aviva Jana Suraksha plan from InsuranceDekho. With the online option available, I was easily able to purchase the Aviva Jana Suraksha plan from the comfort of my home.

    By Harshita Kashyap
    On: Oct 12, 2022
  • Got adequate information

    I was provided with the relevant information when I was buying the Aviva Jana Suraksha plan with InsuranceDekho. Everything was available on the website and if I was not able to understand anything, I simply reached out to the InsuranceDekho team.

    By Jayanti Das
    On: Sep 29, 2022
  • Effective communication

    I was easily able to reach the team of InsuranceDekho when I was buying the Aviva Jana Suraksha plan with them. It is due to their constant service that I was easily able to buy the Aviva Jana Suraksha plan from InsuranceDekho. 

    By Garima Makhija
    On: Sep 28, 2022
Must BuyMust Buy

Why to Buy Term Insurance Policy Online from InsuranceDekho

  • Tax benefit upto 1,50,000*
  • Claim support everyday 10AM-7PM
  • 80 Lacs+ happy customers

Term Insurance News

Aviva Term Insurance Contact Details

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Claim Process at Aviva Term Insurance

  • 1

    Claim Intimation

    In the case of death of the life assured, a claim intimation to the insurance company must be made as early as possible.
  • 2

    Submission of Documents

    Claim form, death certificate, original policy document, and more documents must be submitted to ensure smooth claim settlement.
  • 3

    Claim Evaluation

    Once the documents are submitted, the insurance company will conduct thorough evaluation of the claim filed.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    If claim request is approved, claim settlement is done within 30 days. If additional investigation is required, it make take 6 months.

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